Room to Read

I had the pleasure today to finish a book deal with the folks at Room To Read Nepal, to benefit the Magic Yeti Library Project and the children of the Mustang and Khumbu Regions of Nepal. Room to Read is the premier publisher of both Nepali and English-Nepali primary level books in the country. The organization was founded by John Wood, of “Leaving Microsoft to Change the World” fame, which in itself is an extremely moving and motivational story of one man's passion and drive making a significant impact on childhood literacy in many developing world countries (with Nepal being the first branch opened.) A big thank you to the folks at Room to Read, including Nirmala Karki, Warehouse Manager, and Pushkar Shrestha, Country Director, as well as Mr. Wood himself....more folks doing great work in the developing world to help close the literacy gap. The kids and teachers in the rural locations always rave about these materials, as they are high-quality, and deal with local subject matter, a vital aspect to primary literacy. These books are to be airlifted to the Khumbu region of Nepal along with the Alex Lowe Foundation team going to conduct the Khumbu Climbing School clinic in Phortse; the remainder will head to the Mustang Region in early March, as we open a new library in the village of Kagbeni and the team goes to revisit projects in the Upper Mustang Region, along with the National Geographic Mustang Caves Expedition 2011.

"He who opens a school door, closes a prison."

-Victor Hugo