Sri Lanka-Parent Interview

Parent Interview -Schools Project

I had the chance to interview a lifelong resident of Fort Galle, Sri Lanka, Mrs. Wijenayake. Her four daughters went to Southlands Girls School, located in Galle-one of the leading girls secondary schools in the south. She also graduated from Southlands in the 1940's.

Is Southlands a private or government school?

This is a givernment school. The only cost to the parents is just the facilities fees, the school charges only minor fees which cover basic supplies for the students and teachers.

What is your overall feeling of the public education system in your country?

The education systme is really good in sri lanka. The education is free, and enrolled are the poorest to richest children in the country, but all students are treated equally in the public schools.

What is the best thing about the education system?

The teachers take a lot of interest in their professions, and are well trained, and highly educated. They are all university graduates, and take a lot of pride in their training.

What is the worst thing about the education system?

The classes are very large-about 50 children. A teacher cannot teach this many children. This is very difficult for the teachers and the students.

What is one thing you would recommend to the Minister of Education to make the system better?

That the mazimum numbers of students would be 30 children. During my time, it was only 10-15 children in the classroom. Then the teacher can pay more individual attention to the students. Under the British rule, the schools were much smaller. I started school in 1939 at Southlands. In those days we had to pay to go to the British schools to study English. The local schools were free.

What are your thoughts on the teachers in the schools?

The teachers are very well trained. In Southlands, there is Singalese and English mediums for all of the students to choose from. The teachers speak very good English.

What is one resource that is lacking for the schools that would make the most difference if given to the schools?

Books are all gtiven free, and there is enough. The school is lacking enough computers. There are some computers now, but not enough for everyone to use freely.

What is your best memory of school in Galle?

Discipline. We were very well disciplined. When a teacher came, we always had to stand up when being spoken to. We always had to use the words please and thank you. Manners were very important in the school. Now, i think that things have changed.

Who is the best teacher that you had in your school days? Why?

All of the teachers were foreign nuns when we were studying. They were all excellent teachers in thsoe days.

Is there a big difference in the quality in education between the public and private schools in the country?

A long time ago, the private schools were better. IN these days, the government schools are much better. You get much better training with the teachers in the public schools in Sri Lanka. We have a free education system in Sri Lanka. However, the wages are not very good for teachers here. Teachers like to join the government schools because they get a pension when they retire.